пʼятниця, 18 січня 2019 р.

For the group 77td!

Прослухати вимову слів, записати їх у словники з відповідним перекладом. Відзвітувати про виконану роботу у коментарях!

субота, 23 червня 2018 р.

For the group 33cb! Send your answers to my mail: nadiykanp@gmail.com

  1. Match up the shop with the appropriate goods (Соотнесите магазины с товарами, которые они продают).
  2. bookshop                             a. a loaf of bread, rolls, long loaf
  3. newsagent’s                        b. a bouquet of roses, lilies, flowers
  4. bakery                                 c. a packet of painkillers, pills, medicine
  5. butcher’s                             d. a gold necklace, a diamond ring, pendent
  6. confectioner’s                     e. a magazine, a newspaper, greeting card
  7. greengrocer’s                       f. hairspray, a bottle of perfume, hand cream
  8. chemist’s                               g. pralines, chocolate, cake
  9. florist’s                                 h. books, novels,
  10. department store                   i. fruits, vegetables, apples
  11. hair and beauty salon          j. lamb chops, ham, sausages
  12. jeweller’s                            k. leather suitcase, a woolen skirt, a clock
  13. antique shop                         l. shampoo, products, household chemicals
  14. supermarket                         m. an old clock, bric-a-brac, silver bell

вівторок, 1 травня 2018 р.

For the group 5cop! Words for the dictation (Wednesday, the 2nd of May)!

To tend to, to establish, notoriety, gambling, movement, politics, to take into account, to compromise, membership, self-esteem, to treat, a peer, superiority complex, inferiority complex, self-conscious.

середа, 25 квітня 2018 р.

For the group 5cop! Do this task on Thursday, the 26th of April!

Theme "Infinitive". Put "to" where it is necessary!

1.      Why not ... (join) them? We could ... (have) a lot of fun there.
2.      I have never heard him... (say) anything of the kind.
3.      Are you strong enough... (lift) that box?
4.      She is thoughtful enough ... (send) us a greetings card.
5.      I’d like you ... (think) it over first.
6.      It usually takes me an hour... (write) an essay.
7.      Let me... (close) the door, shall I?
8.      They can’t afford... (buy) a car.
9.      I’d rather... (let) the children... (decide) for themselves.
10. They can hardly make both ends ... (meet).
11. I showed them how... (use) the computer.

вівторок, 10 квітня 2018 р.

For the group 5cop! Do this task on Thursday, the 12th of April!

Theme "Infinitive". Put "to" where it is necessary!
1.      You ought... (make) more of an effort at school.
2.      You are not allowed ... (walk) on the grass here.
3.      I can hardly... (wait)... (see) you!
4.      There’s no need... (rush) — just take your time.
5.      It’s difficult... (read) English books in the original.
6.      The soup is too hot... (eat). You’d better... (cool) it a bit.
7.      It’s nearly 8. You are going ... (miss) your lesson.
8.      I must... (return) the book to the library as soon as I have read it.
9.      You’d better (stop)... quarrelling now.
10. It’s kind of you ... (help) us.
11. You have ... (be) a pretty good cook ... (get) a job as a chef.